Page name: The World of Lienae [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-29 21:42:58
Last author: Windstar
Owner: Windstar
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Welcome to the World of Lienae! This is mainly a roleplay wiki, but the roleplaying will be charted down as a story too, so people are welcome to come just to read it. I, Windstar, am in charge, but I may get some helpers later if this gets busy.

This wiki is still in the setting up stage. If you want to roleplay here, you will need to pm me and tell me the sort of character you want. I will then create a character for you that fits the storyline. Later, when this is more organized, you will be able to submit a character to me fully formed, and I will either accept it or not. If you can come up with a good enough character and background, that fits the storyline, then I may well accept it as is at this time.

As the owner of this wikipage and creator of the original storyline, I reserve the right to kill off your character if you try to do something completely out of character or that disrupts the storyline too far. I will, however, warn you ahead of time, and will not gratuitously kill off any characters.

[Avoral] is my official helper.

Lienae is a magical world, full of elves and sprites, orcs and goblins, humans, fairies, and other named and unnamed creatures. Mages ride griffons, or dragons, or whatever they please - innocent maidens greet unicorns in moonlit meadows - kings marry queens, princes pursue princesses, and generally it seems a fairybook land.

This fairybook feel is only the surface of Lienae, however. Beneath, there are as many or more problems as our world, as many mistakes. Good triumphs over evil for the most part, true, but evil triumphs once in a while as well. There are rapists and murderers, sociopaths and prejudice, all made worse by the easy availablity of magic. And lately, things have been getting even worse.

Mirala, the evil goddess that is constantly trying to destroy all that is right and good, is forming an enormous army of the dark, hidden beasts and creatures of the world. And she means to use it to take over Lienae.

Lienae Characters - Nine profiles up, three open for application!

The Story of Lienae - the rp is up and running!

Lienae Chapters - the record of the story thus far.

Username (or number or email):


2004-06-13 [Windstar]: Ok, it's getting started! I'll have more of the storyline and some characters/descriptions up sometime in the next couple days.

2004-06-14 [Windstar]: Thank you to _Dilandau_ and the jewel guild for the jewel image!

2004-06-14 [Dil*]: Np, it's no biggie.

2004-06-14 [Orey]: Hmmmm. what do we have hear? lol

2004-06-14 [Windstar]: *grin* I'm working on a character now, I'll have one or two up to be applied for by tomorrow evening.

2004-06-14 [Orey]: ok... I can't wait to see it!

2004-06-14 [spee]: Ooh.... Interesting....

2004-06-15 [spee]: Hey, Wind. How do you apply again?

2004-06-15 [Windstar]: OOps! Forgot to mention it. I need to put it in the character section. Well, for now, if you want Karen you send me why you think you should have the part and a few things about the character in your own words(so I can be more sure you understand the character). If you want your own, send me a detailed profile, and I'll check over itto make sure it meshes with the story, and tell you what if any changes need to be made.

2004-06-15 [Cliché]: Hello! Can I be evil? Evil is fun...Muhahahaha.

2004-06-15 [Windstar]: Yep, but I don't have an evil character set up yet. You'd have to create a character profile and send it to me to check over.

2004-06-15 [spee]: Ooh.... Evil!

2004-06-15 [Windstar]: QUick update: For those who were wondering, if any, the roleplay will probably start tomorrow. I will act as dungeon master, supplying background and situations as well as acting out minor characters. If someone sees a minor character they would like to play (and therefor give it a bigger role), let me know and I will set up a profile for them. Sound good?

2004-06-15 [Avoral]: Tomorrow being the 16th, or what?

2004-06-15 [Windstar]: Fifteenth, for me. We must be in radically different time zones. I'll give the starting scenario when I get home from school, probably. Oh, I may have forgotten to mention this...roleplaying will be in story style. IE, propergrammar(if I see it messed up, and I will be picky, I will go in there and fix it, bu too much of it and I will probably bug you about it) and written so it reads like a book. It may be a bit difficult at first, but after a little practice I hope we can write smoothly together like this. It helps that the site only allows one person to be editing the wiki at a time *grin*.

2004-06-15 [spee]: *nods* Oh yeah. *glomps WindStar*

2004-06-15 [Windstar]: Sorry guys, I'll have to put up the new character and stuff tomorrow...I forgot about needing to play with the band at graduation tonight.

2004-06-16 [spee]: *glomp* bummer.

2004-06-16 [Avoral]: Oh, cool, like past-tense, with good description and all that? (That's how I do ALL my RP anyway, don't worry... Hehe...)

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: LOL. Exactly. I rp like that usually too, but I thought I should warn people because it's not what most people do.

2004-06-16 [spee]: *Glomp*

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: There's a new part up for grabs, people!

2004-06-16 [spee]:   >.>  !   <.<

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: What's wrong?

2004-06-16 [spee]: Yay! *Glomp*

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: *confused look* What's yay about? And have you looked at the new characters? *grin*

2004-06-16 [spee]: Yup! The Lauren guy looks cool! Kinda like Perrin, though. ^-^

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: *sigh* I specifically tried to avoid that. And I'm setting up the standard character types first - the quiet blacksmith is one of them. Notice Lauren has no compunctions about bringing a weapon, as Perrin would.

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: And Lauren has nothing to do with wolves.

2004-06-16 [spee]: -_-() I meant his personality.

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: *sigh* I know. Keep in mind Perrin is a standard adventure story personality.

2004-06-16 [spee]: I know. 0.o

2004-06-17 [Pnelma Tirian]: I like.

2004-06-17 [Avoral]: Yes! My character's up!

2004-06-17 [Windstar]: *grin* I did tell you it was.

2004-06-18 [Avoral]: Yeah, I know, but I was all like... ^_^!!! When I saw it all official!

2004-06-18 [Windstar]: *grin* roleplaying starts either tonight or tomorrow, guys! I'll set up a starter and a link. Any characters involved in the scene then hit edit(I'll message you the password) and continue it with your character's thoughts and actions in STORY FORMAT, past tense. Try to stick to good grammar etc - if I see something wrong, I'll fix it and message you to inform you of the change.

2004-06-18 [Pnelma Tirian]: ooo! I gotta hurry!

2004-06-18 [spee]: It's way to hot here..... *Sits roasting in room*

2004-06-19 [Windstar]: It's worse up here in Sequim, believe me.

2004-06-19 [Avoral]: Well, yes, someone please message me when it's actually beginning.

2004-06-19 [Windstar]: LOL. I posted the start last night, but it's not in the scene for your character starts out with Karen.

2004-06-19 [Windstar]: New character up and open for application!

2004-09-02 [Windstar]: I have returned! Further notice is now. Applications etc. can now be sent to either [Avoral] or me.

2004-09-03 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: hello. sounds like fun! ^_^ thanks for telling me about it, Windstar! ^_^

2004-09-03 [Windstar]: *grin* You're welcome. New character available, peoples!

2004-09-03 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: and i soooo like the character. me gonna do a pic of her! ^_^

2004-09-03 [Windstar]: LOL!!!

2004-09-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: the story rp thing is really fun! ^_^

2004-09-06 [Windstar]: Glad you like it!

2004-09-06 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: glad ur glad i like it!

2004-09-06 [Windstar]: LOL.

2004-10-21 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: no one ever posts anything here...

2004-10-22 [Windstar]: I noticed. It's always at The Story of Lienae. BTW...*grin* when I get enough gold, I'm starting an RP guild on gaia based on Lienae, only it's the future - long past THIS rp. You see, my ORIGINAL Lienae rp was on gaia - Lienae School of Magic and Weaponry. In the guild, that school will be current, and this rp past history.

2004-10-22 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ....but we don't know how this ends...course I'll join though

2004-10-23 [Windstar]: LOL. I know we don't....but it'll take forever for me to get the other 13000 gold I need to start it, so I'll have enough info set to make things reasonable. Besides, a couple thousand years later, do you really think the issue will come up all that much?

2004-10-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ....maybe....^_^;

2004-10-29 [Windstar]: *sigh* Hopefully by the time the subject comes up I'll have answers...

2004-10-30 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: lol. course u should

2004-11-01 [Windstar]: Hooray! I have the guild up! *grin*

2004-11-02 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ pm me about it

2004-11-02 [Windstar]: Did better. I sent an official invitation to the guild.

2004-11-04 [Avoral]: I'm the official helper. *Nods*

2004-11-04 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ can I be the offical sugar helper? ^_^ lol. just jk.

2004-11-04 [Windstar]: Here, at least, Avoral. I'm not sure you even have a gaiaonline account, but if you do hunt down my guild and I'll probably make you crew, eventually. You too, scF.

2004-11-04 [Avoral]: Ooooooooooooooooooh... I like it. ^_^ Now what exactly is gaiaonline, anyway?

2004-11-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ just go to and u'll find out

2004-11-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: by the way, I joined the guild! ^_^ aren't ya happy! ^_^ can u check if the char. bio is ok? it might be a bit confusing..

2004-11-05 [Avoral]: Yeyah!

2004-11-05 [Windstar]: I'll check in a moment. Avoral, does that Yeyah mean you joined gaia? If so, what's your username?

2004-11-05 [Windstar]: Checked. Yeah, that looks pretty good...except you might want to change it from Death and DEATH to the god of death and his assistant, who's a more minor god. Remember what sort of odd structure for such things I've shown here, because it's the same world a couple thousand years later.

2004-11-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I know. but there's always a death in every world. sometimes it's not mentioned. Death is the apprentice, DEATH is the god. and he talks in only caps. ^_^

2004-11-06 [Windstar]: Yeah, but maybe we should have a different name for them or something. I know! Death for the god, and Thanatos(which means death) for the apprentice!

2004-11-06 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ... ok. for the guild thing. but not for my comic....^_^ all settled then! ^_^

2004-11-06 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I changed it! ^_^ question, are we the only ones in the guild?

2004-11-11 [Windstar]: LOL, not anymore. One of the teachers from Lienae School of Magic and Weaponry joined, the captain of a villain's guild joined, and Soulstar joinde. I'm planning on pm'ing all the old members of Lienae school that I can find.

2004-11-13 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ that's awesome! ^_^

2004-11-17 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: how come no one has posted anything? in a long while...?

2004-11-18 [Windstar]: Computer's down...

2004-11-18 [Avoral]: Keyboard's messed up.

2004-11-19 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: that sucks, but ur back on now

2004-11-21 [Windstar]: Yep. And the rp will be moving as soon as a certain evil goddess checks her messages...

2004-11-21 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: lol. maybe she died *holds funeral*

2004-11-21 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I always say that when I can't find someone. lol.

2004-11-22 [Windstar]: No, she's not dead. I see her regularly at school. She might be having computer problems though....

2004-11-22 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: lol. or maybe she forgot about it. or what her password was to login...

2004-11-22 [Windstar]: I think they have a system to email your your password if you forget it.

2004-11-23 [spee]: Pft. No computer problems. It's probably her homework.

2004-11-25 [Windstar]: At any rate, she says we can continue without her for now. Further knews on the rp page.

2004-11-27 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ok.

2004-12-10 [Avoral]: Oh! Like what?

2004-12-11 [aellie]: Hey, since you three are the only ones talking at the moment, I decided to say HI!

2004-12-11 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: hi 2u2! ^_^

2004-12-11 [aellie]: So what were you talking about??

2004-12-12 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: um...sum1 who was unable to rp? dun remember really...

2004-12-12 [aellie]: Alright ^_^

2004-12-13 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: lol

2005-01-09 [Windstar]: Yay! New character up! And we're likely to get another player soon!

2005-01-09 [aellie]: YAYZ! It'll be nice to have some guy players here...

2005-01-09 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: yes. very! ^_^

2005-01-09 [Windstar]: Well, we have one...and there's an open character for another...I need to make a banner for this wiki, so it's easier to advertise.

2005-01-11 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: yupyup

2005-01-11 [spee]: How big?

2005-01-12 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: Windstar, u need to change the link to chapter 3 in the chapters section. it goes to the wrong page. or more like, no page.

2005-01-12 [Windstar]: Uhoh...*hopes she can find the actual page*...and Soulstar, probably a little wider and shorter than the title on this page. Why?

2005-01-13 [Windstar]: Ok, it's fixed now. It was just a typo, I'd typed "Lieane" instead of "Lienae". Sorry.

2005-01-23 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: yay! ^_^

2005-01-23 [Windstar]: Moreover, I have them all copied on my computer so that if for some reason Elftown has problems and they're deleted, I can put them back up.

2005-01-26 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: awesome! ^_^ that's great!

2005-04-17 [spee]: I was volunteering to make a banner. Just tell me what dimensions and stuff you want.....

2005-04-17 [Windstar]: As I said, probably a litle wider and shorter than the one at the top of the page...Lets, see, that one's 346 by 189 pixels, so, say, 400 by 150 pixels?

2005-04-17 [spee]: what do you want on it?

2005-04-18 [Windstar]: I messaged the answer to that..

2005-04-18 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: it should say "...WTF?" ^_^ lol

2005-04-18 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: or maybe, "homosexualradioactivebunnyrabbit"

2005-04-18 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: jk. it's a word (yes, a word) that popped into my head when I was looking at a chipmunk and being annoyed by my sis. lol. ^_^ it just rolls off the tongue...

2005-06-05 [Windstar]: LOL.

2005-06-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I said that like a month does fly...

2005-06-05 [Windstar]: Yes, I saw it then, I just got around to commenting.

2005-06-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ lol

2006-02-04 [zankou]: may i be karen?

2006-02-12 [aellie]: Sorry people, I haven't been on for almost a month. What's new in the story??

2006-02-12 [zankou]: i would like to bo karen

2006-02-21 [Avoral]: Hey, anyone up for some Lienae?

2006-02-21 [aellie]: YES! Now when do we start?!?!?! LET HIM BE KAREN! PLEASE! I NEED TO RP!

2006-02-21 [Avoral]: I don't know if I'd feel right playing Karen, but if it's cool with everyone somehow, I'll give it a shot and let Windstar beat me in the head with a shovel for getting her personality horribly wrong and change it all as she wishes. You know, build the framework and let her modify.

2006-02-21 [Avoral]: Sorry about the extended absence, though. Everything just kinda hit the fan in life at once; you know how that goes?

2006-02-22 [aellie]: Sorry, I was talking about Tanari. He wanted to play as Karen

2006-02-22 [Avoral]: Oh, so he'd be killed instead of me? Hmm... I'll humor this notion. He is now cleared to post by the almighty [Avoral], and once again, I'll let [Windstar] modify it retroactively. Everybody's got to be cool with that system, though--I don't want it to cause any dissatisfaction.

2006-02-23 [zankou]: i dont want to die!?

2006-02-24 [Avoral]: Tell that to the Fates.

2006-02-24 [aellie]: Tanari, you get to be Karen. IT WORKED! MY POWER OF PERSUASIAN..... if that's how you spell it.... (it's probably wrong though... hehehe)

2006-02-24 [zankou]: ok...whats the password?

2006-02-24 [Avoral]: You need a password? Just a sec, I'll check it out when I get back home.

2006-02-27 [Avoral]: Hmm. Send your posts my way; I don't know who I can and can't clear with the password.

2006-02-27 [zankou]: thats ok i got a position some where else

2006-02-27 [Avoral]: Groovy.

2006-02-27 [aellie]: ??

2006-03-03 [Windstar]: SOrry I've been gone so long guys...My computer died.

2006-03-03 [zankou]: oh good your here

2006-03-03 [aellie]: HEY! MISSED YOU WINDSTAR!

2006-03-03 [aellie]: ^_^

2006-03-03 [Windstar]: LOL, I'm just glad things got ready to get moving again in my absence...

2006-03-03 [Windstar]: And to be back, of course. Internet deprivation is nasty. I ended up drawing a lot.

2006-03-03 [Windstar]: *glances at banner, figures she should probably make a better one*

2006-03-03 [aellie]: It looks fine. But have you considered having [zankou] as Karen?? I SO wanna get going on it again...

2006-03-03 [Windstar]: Having a message conversation about right now, actually. He needs to send me an rp sample, but he'll probably get the part. Ano, you know if he's read through the previous chapters yet?

2006-03-23 [zankou]: hey i missed something?

2006-04-03 [Windstar]: Hmm? What do you mean?

2006-04-11 [zankou]: i have no rp exp. at all! lol

2006-04-18 [Windstar]: I believe another one of our players was in a similar situation...

2006-04-18 [zankou]: gerrr

2006-04-21 [Windstar]: ????

2006-04-22 [aellie]: Are we ever going to start up again? I NEED RP!! I'M GOING INSANE!

2006-04-23 [Windstar]: As soon as Delhea sends me an rp sample so I can confirm the place as Karen...This would be a VERY good point for Karen to wake up.

2006-04-23 [aellie]: YES IT WOULD! I've been so bored!

2006-04-24 [zankou]: vedui' lu' bwael afternoon.umm im not good enough, sorry.

2006-04-24 [zankou]: changed my mind...

2006-04-25 [Windstar]: *blinks* And what makes you think you aren't good enough?! This isn't exactly a group of professionals.

2006-04-25 [Windstar]: And what language is "vedui' lu' bwael" from? It sounds oddly familiar...

2006-04-26 [zankou]: drow...

2006-04-26 [Windstar]: Cool! And here I was thinking it was from Eragon. You still haven't said why you don't think you're good enough...>_> Realize, I'm a stubborn jackass and I'm not about to let you off the hook until A) you give me a REALLY good reason or B) you send me an rp sample that really is your best effort, and I come to a conclusion about it one way or the other.

2006-04-26 [Windstar]: Heh. There's always all the OTHER open characters, if you aren't suited for Karen...

2006-04-28 [Windstar]: Good news pepes! Avoral has returned and pledged to do a nice long bit of rp so I can start the next chapter. Which means a spot of rp for Eleni and Arin soon! And Karen, if we have one...*meaningful stare*

2006-04-28 [Avoral]: GASP. Better yet, just throw plot discussions at me instead of the periodic shank. Inspiration works even better. <3

2006-04-28 [Windstar]: LOL, true. But it'll be easier to get the plot moving once we have more players so we can get the group fully together. *evil grin* And then the TRUE chaos begins....

2006-04-28 [Windstar]: Hmmm. Ok, peoples, I have mentioned the possibility of someday turning this into a book, with a bit of modification. THis is still looking way ahead, but it's starting to look more like it'd be a short series...What do you people say to, when it comes to time, grouping sets of fifty chapters or so into 'books'?

2006-04-28 [Windstar]: I mention this now because I expect things to seriously speed up over the summer/as we get more dedicated players.

2006-04-28 [Windstar]: Hey guys! I may have found a new player.

2006-04-28 [Windstar]: And this means you might just be off the hook, [zankou], since she may well gravitate to try for Karen.

2006-05-01 [zankou]: ok i could try for someone else...

2006-05-01 [Windstar]: Up to you. She might not go for Karen. She hasn't even read up on the story completely yet, I don't think. But then she's been as busy studying for finals as I've been.

2006-05-12 [zankou]: to be honest i havent kept up with it either...

2006-05-26 [Windstar]: And...sorry for disappearing everyone. Finals/moving/nointernetatapartment/newjob all conspired so that I can only get online thursday and friday afternoons for now...

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